Since all of them tend to use the same manufacturer of LEDs, the only major differences are from the composition of the LEDs used.
At first glance it may seem like AI Hydra does not have the spread or intensity as compared to the other 2. But this is very misleading without considering the power consumption. Since all of these different LED fixtures use almost identical LEDs from Cree and Osram, the main differences in output are directly related to power consumption and numbers of individual and different LEDs and optics. The AI Hydra for example uses only 95W of power as compared to a Radion at 171W and GHL 6200HV at 208W. So, in practice you may have to use 2 AI Hydra to get the equivalent light output of the other two. At around ½ the price of a Radion Pro, using 2 AI Hydra may be better option for your application.
Remember that the light intensity is additive where it overlaps.
Гидры приятные светильники, для неглубоких банок интересный вариант, только вот к нам их что-то так никто и не возит. Давайте узнавайте про дилерство -) С экотек марин у нас правда тоже занятно, аквиома каким-то чудесным образом получила статус дилера и цены ломит заоблачные, а в штатах можно спокойно через дилера поапргейдить более старую версию светильника до самых последней за приемлимую цену, удобная опция.
LED Lighting Tests: Ecotech Radion Pro, Aqua Illumination Hydra, GHL Mitras 6100HV and 6200HV
, 05 сен 2013 11:06
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